Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ten Pound Milestone!

Woo-hoo, in just over 4 weeks I've officially lost ten (and a half) pounds!

Things I DID NOT do to lose this weight:
count calories
count fat grams
count carbs
skipped meals
worked out excessively

Here's what I DID do:
ate a mostly vegetarian diet
tried to stick to a low glycemic plan  (this link has some basics on a low GI diet)
focused on the nutrient values of food
indulged occassionally!
exercised moderately (6 days a week, mix of yoga and walking/running)

Here's what's interesting (or maybe not, we'll see) but I did start a real period yesterday. I haven't had one in about 4 months. I'm not going to track my temperature this month to monitor ovulation. I'm going to wait and see if I actually start a new cycle next month. I figure that whether I track or not, I'll either ovulate or I won't and I'm not going to obsess over that this month. If I start another cycle in March I'll revisit using BBT to track ovulation.

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