Monday, July 29, 2013

I'm back!

I'm counting tomorrow as my brand new day one.

I've done some thinking and I'm still not 100% sure I have full-blown PCOS, but my symptoms line up enough that I am still considering it a possibility.

However, I've been researching a lot about estrogen dominance, or it can also be viewed as progesterone deficiency. Progesterone is the hormone that causes ovulation and estrogen is like the opposite of progesterone and causes menstruation. If your body makes too much estrogen and/or not enough progesterone it wrecks havoc on the reproductive cycle. 

So estrogen is stored in fat cells. And, well, I have a lot of fat cells. And apparently reducing one's body fat by only 10% if one is overweight can bring the estrogen and progesterone back in balance. 

So anyway, I'm re-evaluating my plan and tweaking it slightly. It will include: daily exercise, limited sugar/flour/dairy, lots of water and healthy food. Not counting calories but I will weigh about every other day. The goal is 20 pounds lost, in however long it takes. 

Basically, the same plan as before with a larger focus on weight control. 

I'll keep you all updated daily!